norfolk.gov.uk : Register A Birth United Kingdom

Organisation : Norfolk County Council
Facility Name : Register A Birth
Country : United Kingdom
Website : https://www.norfolk.gov.uk/births-ceremonies-and-deaths/births/register-a-birth

Norfolk  Register A Birth

You need to register the birth within 42 days of the baby’s date of birth.

Related / Similar Facility : Norfolk County Council Payslips

Where to register a birth

** A birth has to be registered in the registration district where it occurred.
** A birth that occurred in Norfolk can be registered at any of our registration offices in the county.

How To Book An Appointment

You will need to register the birth within 42 days of the baby’s date of birth.
If you need to re-register a birth then call the registration office at which you first registered the birth to make an appointment.

Click on book an appointment option in birth registration page.

Note :
Please note that card payments are our preferred method of payment. We only accept up to £50 in cash in our appointments.

Registration Service – Appointment Booking System :
1. Enter Your First name *
2. Enter Your Surname *
3. Enter Your Email address
4. Tick the Check box
5. Click on the Continue button.

Appointment screen will be displayed,click on any one service as Register a birth,Register a death,Notice of marriage,Notice of civil partnership.

You have selected the option to book an appointment to register a birth. Using the Booking System ,click on continue button.

You have selected the option to book an appointment to register a birth.
Select Yes/NO Was the baby born in Norfolk?
Select one option Who is coming to register the baby?
Click on Continue button

Contact details :
1. Enter Mother’s full name *
2. Enter Contact telephone number *
3. Enter Email address
4. Click on continue

5. Select How many babies do you need to register?
6. Select Where was the baby born?
7. Click on Continue button.

8. Select In which Office would you like to book the appointment?
An appointment has been found for you at 13:45 on 06/09/2018.
There will be no fee to book this appointment.

9. Click on book button in appointment page.
10 Appointment to register a Birth . Your appointment is at Fakenham Registration Office on Thursday, September 6, 2018 at 14:15. Click on Finish Button.

Registration Office Address:
Fakenham Registration Office
Fakenham Connect
Oak Street
NR21 9SR
Phone : 01603 306149
Email : registration.fakenham AT norfolk.gov.uk

Who can register a birth

This can be complicated and depends on the family circumstances :
** If the parents are married to each other when the baby is born, then either the mother or the father can register the birth
** If the parents are not married and they would like the father’s details to be included in the register either both parents will need to attend

Re-registration :
** You can re-register your child if you get married to their natural father.
** To re-register you should make an appointment at the registration office where the child was originally registered.

** If this is not possible they can be re-registered by making a declaration at any other registration office in England and Wales.
** To make an appointment telephone 01603 306149.

Categories: United Kingdom
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